Q&A | What’s the Greatest Manifestation You’ve Faced?

Just out of curiosity what is the longest amount of time that a demon has stood in opposition to you? Have you had any who have stood in opposition to the extreme of the Prince of Persia in Daniel?

Biblically speaking, the Prince of Persia would be classified as a territorial god. That would place it toward the top of the demonic hierarchy. While I suppose it’s possible you could come across one of those in a person, I’d gather that it’s fairly unlikely to stumble across such an entity.

That being said, opposition happens for several reasons, and not all of them have to do with me. Some of them are higher-level demons that carry more force/strength. Some of them are empowered by the lies, and the participant needs to detangle them to create less resistance during a session. Opposition tends to die down as the Holy Spirit helps you figure out what things need to be targeted to decrease its strength.

That being said, there was an intense manifestation once in which I needed a whole team to help me. None of the usual things worked to get the demon to unmanifest. In the end, we had little idea of what to do and decided to spend a long time praying in tongues and telling the person to take their body back. It probably took a good hour to get that one under control, but that’s very unusual. Different demons have different weaknesses (worship music, speaking in tongues, etc.) and will typically unmanifest to avoid the pain such things cause them. This particular demon was willing to put up with it as long as possible.

Every situation is different and there are many dynamics to address in those moments. Your best strength is the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

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One response to “Q&A | What’s the Greatest Manifestation You’ve Faced?”

  1. […] my eyes, by hearing good things declared over my participants, by having the participant be told to take back control of their body, or by being forced to say the name of Jesus. I’ve also had participants undergo demonic […]


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