Navigating Visions with Jesus: Parables and Interpretation

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“Jesus, what is this?” This is a classic question I have people ask as I guide them through their dreamscape and objects, settings, or demons appear.

As David P. Melvin points out in his book, The Interpreting Angel Motif in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature, this mode of interpretation is a spiritual tradition that evolves throughout Scripture. Ezekiel, Zechariah, Daniel, and John all witness visions that are beyond their comprehension, and each of them requires angels to explain what they’re seeing. This tradition aligns with Jesus, who taught in vision-esque parables that required people to seek the Holy Spirit for interpretation.

It is incredible to watch people experience Jesus in their dreamscape. He’ll present a parable to them by submerging them in a place or by presenting an object lesson. At first, the settings or objects make little to no sense, but by the end of our time together, these visions come together in a way we could have never imagined when we started.

These visions will continue for a bit as we patiently try to discern our way through it. It’s kind of like a spiritual escape room. I’ll have the participant interact with the setting or object to see if we can solve the mystery that the Holy Spirit wants to teach. If we get stuck along the way, we’ll ask Jesus questions to better understand. Sometimes, he gives us hints, while other times, he waits for us to figure it out. The participant can typically tell when the riddle has been solved, and the vision has officially ended.

If you want to hear God, then he will speak in a way that requires you to continue a conversation. You’ll have to think about what he’s saying and piece it together with the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us to expect this dynamic.

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One response to “Navigating Visions with Jesus: Parables and Interpretation”

  1. […] As the demons left my participant, strawberries began to grow all around their dreamscape. “I imagine that’s the fruit of the Spirit. What happens if you take a bite?” I suggested, since dreamscape visions are highly interactive. […]


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